Creates or Updates APIs


This endpoint is in early access.

We are actively developing this endpoint to provide a great API experience. There might be unannounced breaking changes in the process. Feel free to provide us with your feedback.

See more details here.

This endpoint helps you to bring in APIs (and metadata) from your diverse set of source systems, as well as providing or consuming services that you already know of.

Let's have a detailed look at how the relevant attributes help you do that:

consumingServices and providingServices

The id field is the unique external identifier for the service from your source system (e.g. the GitHub hash). The name field will be used by VSM for the name of the service: you will find it in your mapping inbox, and you will be suggested to either map it to an already existing service with the same name or create a new one in the service catalog.

After receiving a successful response you will find the API as well as consuming and providing services in your mapping inbox: when you map them they will be added to the API catalog.


  1. You already have a service in your VSM catalog called logout-service
  2. You use this endpoint to create the API and specify the name of the consuming service as logout-service
  3. VSM mapping inbox will suggest you to map the service from #2 to the already existing #1, so that the API will show up on the service page with logout-service as a consumer. The same relation will be visible in the API catalog as well.

:information-source: Note: an auto-mapping feature and UI representation of the APIs are currently not released and are under active development - stay tuned :radio:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!