Release Stages

Below are the different release stages any integration or API will pass through

The stages can be summarized as follows:

ExpectationsNot Available ⛔Early Access 💡General Availability 🚀
Customer AvailabilityNoneIntegrations are invite only or need to be enabled by your Customer Success Manager or Sales Engineer.Available to all users
Production ReadinessNoLimitedYes
SupportNoYes, but no SLAsYes, with full SLA

1. Not Available ⛔

Although this is not a defacto release status, any integration not found on VSM documentation or roadmap is currently not planned for. Hence, there is also no committed timeline. If you believe you’re missing an integration, we are more than happy to hear from you via a zendesk ticket or via [email protected].

2. Early Access 💡

This integration is under development and supports VSM to collect early feedback and issues by early adopters. Integrations in this stage should be experimental and by no means production-ready. APIs in this stage might change unannounced. At this stage, there is no binding support SLA.

Aspects to note:

  1. integrations in this stage are feature-complete but can still contain breaking (API) changes
  2. depending on the integration, these features might need to be enabled via support / Customer Success Manager (CSM)
  3. You'll probably still encounter some "rough edges" or bugs and we encourage you to report them via your CSE or LeanIX representative. Hence, we recommend using the integrations in early access in your sandbox until they are generally available.
  4. Feedback is more than welcome via zendesk or via your CSM - however, there is no general commitment as to the implementation timeline

3. General Availability 🚀

In this stage, the integration is considered production-ready. They are fully supported by LeanIX support and documentation is regarded as sufficient to independently onboard users.

Aspects to note:

  1. Integrations in this stage are feature-complete for the communicated scope. There are no backward incompatibilities
  2. LeanIX fully supports these integrations & APIs and the normal SLA applies
  3. These integrations are self-configurable via the integrations page in the administration section